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Survival Outdoors

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Camping Outdoors

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Outdoor Survival

survival gear kits

Watch your step in the wilderness. Survive.

You must conserve your energy. Energy is burned in response to activity, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Try not to be over active in a survival, situation. Avoid shivering and sweating. You can survive up to three weeks without food, but only three days without water. If water is scarce, avoid exertion. Avoid respiration and sweating, eat little and avoid talking. Give me Shelter! Shelter is a necessity in the game of survival. The requirements of a good spot for shelter is a location that is protected from the weather and the elements, a dry area that won’t flood or hold moisture, near water but not to close, and near a wood supply for a fire and a signal to rescuers. Let there be fire! Choosing the best place to start your fire can be tricky. You will want a spot that is out of the wind, protected from rain and snow. Dig a trench for the fire and clear out any debris around the campfire. Sources to lighting a fire can be matches, lighters, and flints, sunlight and a magnifying glass, or if you happen to have one, a car battery. Never light a fire, candles, or a stove in a tent or enclosed space that is not well ventilated. You may suffocate or be poisoned by odorless gas fumes.

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