Precautions: Plants for survival food
Many plants are poisonous and can cause serious problems from nausea and vomiting to organ failure, coma, or even death! I want to make it clear that in no way should you substitute foraging for medical plants or for food, with modern day medical treatment. One rule to go by is to make sure that determining a plant for edibility, that there is plenty of that plant to make a meal out of. You don’t want to risk testing a plant for edibility if you’re not even going to get a few meals to eat from it. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should never, NEVER, eat mushrooms or fungi that grow in the wild! We all like our portobello mushrooms in a cafe salad, but in the wild, mushrooms will almost always be the wrong plant to eat. Another precaution is always stay away from any plants that are moldy, rotting, or overly soft. This is bad news. Other indicators of what to avoid are: milky sap; beans, bulbs, or seeds inside pods; bitter or soapy taste; spines, fine hairs, or thorns. Also, always stay away from plants that are growing in a populated area, and always treat this situation like as if it could be contaminated. That also goes for gathering water. Always purify your water even if it seems okay just by looking at it. With edible plants as well, always take the safest approach. Here is a link to some food supplies, the safest approach to eating out in the wild. Take it with you! (food supplies) Also see: